NEW.S Roundup August 2023
It doesn't matter if you're an employee or an intern. It doesn't matter if you work for an agency, organize events, or work for a company that produces physical goods. Every job where you make decisions or are part of meetings where decisions are made gives you power in some way.
What we do for a living impacts the world, and in this world, nothing is neutral.
So, how can you ensure that whatever outcome you contribute to is more sustainable?
Dare to ask:
"Do we use renewable energy already?"
"Can we reduce the amount of packaging we use?"
"How could we reduce our carbon footprint?"
You might be the first person that says these things out loud. But you most certainly will not be the first one at the table to think about these matters – and only if you open your mouth will you find like-minded people who want to do better. Eventually, people will be grateful you spoke up.
So let us tell you – you've got this! You're not alone!
On the 6th of September at 4:30 p.m., we're giving a talk and facilitating a short workshop on the topic "Designing for Public Interest – Designing Means Problem-solving." At 6:30, there will be a panel discussion, followed by a tasty buffet hosted by the team from Edible Alchemy. The DDC Salon is open to all and is happening at the MOOS Space (Moosdorfstraße 7-9) in Treptow.
Please RSVP, as there are a limited number of spots! Email and indicate whether you'd like to participate in the workshop, the panel, or both.
Die nichtfinanzielle Berichterstattung wird dank des neuen Beschlusses der EU der finanziellen Berichterstattung sukzessive gleichgestellt. Dadurch werden Unternehmen dazu angehalten, über wesentliche Nachhaltigkeitsaspekte und deren Integration in ihre Geschäftsstrategien und -prozesse zu berichten.
Im Moment kreieren wir auf unserem Blog einen Leitfaden, um Ihnen unter die Arme zu greifen. Sollten Sie direkt Unterstützung wünschen, melden Sie sich bitte bei uns.
Are you or someone you know working on a project strengthening the circular economy? The cities of Berlin, Munich, Stuttgart, Vienna, Hamburg, and Leipzig and the municipalities of Zeuthen and Ringsheim, and Kreis Lippe are collaborating on the search for innovative solutions in the field of the circular economy and will support innovators in adapting their solutions to local needs. You can apply with your project until the 1st of October 2023.
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+49 176 30172345
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