January - April 2021
The problem
Climate researchers agree: We must act and drastically reduce emission of CO2 and other greenhouse gases quickly. Politicians are called upon to take action and implement measures to achieve this goal. Since citizens influence the extent to which food, mobility, etc. affect the climate through their consumption decisions, they should not be encouraged to make environmentally unfriendly consumption decisions.
Our solution
We started a petition addressed to the German Bundestag to implement an advertising ban for particularly climate-damaging products. We see a contradiction in the actions of politicians: While the Berlin Senate, for example, declared a climate emergency in 2019, advertising for particularly climate-damaging products continues to be on display in our public spaces. This is different in France, where the Citizens' Council lists an advertising ban in its first 150 demands. And in cities like Geneva, outdoor advertising is already completely banned.
We developed and designed a campaign, microsite, and social media assets. We distributed the latter to partners in the business society and throughout the community, which increased the petition's reach drastically.
Our impact
After the petition ended, our concern will be examined by the Petitions Committee and a recommendation will be made to the German Bundestag. Regardless of the outcome, we have placed the issue in the public discourse and encouraged people, especially on Instagram and LinkedIn, to take a critical look at advertising.
We are also pleased about similar initiatives launched in other European countries, which show that the issue should be dealt with regardless of borders, and we hope that will soon be the case in our home country Germany, too.
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