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Who is responsible for sustainability? From our perspective, each and every one of us is asked to think and act sustainably.
In workshops and trainings, we work with your team and/or management to define sustainability goals and appropriate measures to reach them, too. We then work out individual solutions to implement them in your company.
Our formats
What exactly is sustainability? And which common myths can we dispel? In a 1-hour quiz, we offer teams an entertaining break from their daily routine, making sustainability tangible and easy to understand. Our sustainability quiz is suitable for teams that want to initiate a dialogue and get the ball for more sustainable action rolling together.
– Entertaining team building
– General overview of the megatrend “sustainability”
– Kickoff for sustainable transformation
1 hour, online
all employees
€ 350 excl. VAT
Mit der Climate Business Challenge versteht jede:r in Ihrem Team die eigene Rolle in der Transformation und wie es endlich in die Umsetzung von konkreten Ideen geht. Im ersten Teil beschäftigen wir uns damit, wie business-as-usual zur Klimakrise geführt hat und welche Treiber es jetzt für einen Richtungswechsel braucht. Im zweiten Teil bekommen die Teilnehmer:innen ein Framework an die Hand, um in klar verständlichen Schritten eine eigene Klima- und Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie für ihr Unternehmen zu entwickeln. Und begeben sich so auf den Weg in die planet-positive, regenerative Wirtschaft von morgen.
– Playful team building format
– Concrete ideas that motivate and inspire
– Understanding of sustainability as a business case
3 hours, online
5 to 36 participants
€ 1 200 excl. VAT
In our seminar, we take a focused look at this question and show how you can turn the challenge into opportunities for your company. Together, we look at the most important trends and how they influence both corporate success and corporate communications. We prepare basic knowledge about sustainability in such a way that you save yourself long readings on the various topics and can immediately put what you have learned into practice in group exercises and interactive sessions. We explain terms, measures and models. Over the course of 5 weeks, we expand areas of impact, remove hurdles and provide approaches for constructive dialog with internal and external stakeholders.
- Insight into the current sustainability debate
- Basic sustainability knowledge, tailored to the needs of daily communication practice
- Comprehensive toolbox with frameworks and guidelines for future-proof sustainability communication
- Dos & Don'ts, tips & tricks and best practices that inspire your daily communications work
- New allies to share and spar with beyond the seminar
5 modules 4 hours each, online
Marketing or communication managers
€ 1 490 excl. VAT
The UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the ideal framework for implementing your sustainability strategy in a solution-oriented and local way. We create a compact overview of the different areas and relate the major challenges to your company and business activities. We make the 17 goals tangible and thus create connecting points for your team and concrete measures.
In interactive group exercises, we define the impact your company has within the SDG framework and where your biggest levers lie. You will identify positive and negative impacts your company has on the SDGs and leave the workshop with a deeper understanding of complex, global issues and appropriate, local solutions. You integrate the developed SDG mapping and the corresponding roadmap with short- and medium-term goals into your next sustainability report and show your stakeholders that you are part of the global SDG movement!
– Clarity about the potential of the UN SDGs for your company
- Identification, mapping, and prioritization of impact-relevant SDGs
– Erarbeitung konkreter Maßnahmen im Rahmen einer SDG-Roadmap
1 day
up to 10 people, ideally your sustainability team
starting from € 1 500 excl. VAT
Often you know how you could do something better - but you still don't do it. That's why in this workshop we will look at everyday problem situations and examine them from a psychological perspective. In doing so, we will apply participatory methods. In short: Instead of looking at the transformation only from the classical natural science or engineering and economic perspective, we will concentrate in this workshop on the behavioural level and try to find out why it is sometimes so difficult for us to behave sustainably. In addition, we will look for and find solutions together so that we can succeed better in the future.
In this workshop, we will provide you with concrete tools to optimise and sustainably establish these processes in your company's everyday life in the future.
– Your team deals with very concrete problems from their everyday lives
– Immersion in behavioural psychology
– Further team development and motivation
– Employees solve problems proactively and in a self-determined way
4 hours
up to 10 people, ideally department heads or management
starting from € 1 500 excl. VAT
After digitization, the debate on sustainability is now challenging companies once again. We explain current issues and act as a guide in the sustainability debate. By asking specific questions, we work with you to develop a mission statement and a strategy. In short: You’ll develop a powerful sustainability vision.
With our practical guidance, you’ll be equipped with a clear roadmap, which will motivate your team to execute, too. After implementing the first measures, you will look to the future with optimism, with the peace of mind that your company will continue to add value and be profitable, and thus attractive to younger generations in the long run.
– Understand the current sustainability discourse
– Know what the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals mean for you or your company
– Gain confidence in how sustainability benefits your financial viability
– Define clear values and purpose
1 day
up to 8 people, leadership and management
starting from € 3 500 excl. VAT
You might already have a sustainability strategy. We’ll develop a plan of action and train your team on how to implement all measures. At NEW STANDARD.S, we act as a bridge between where you are on your sustainability journey and lead you and your team to what you want to achieve. We bring your CSR report to life and motivate your team with individual approaches and solutions that are fully aligned with the needs of your team and those of your company.
Once the "WHAT" to be achieved has been determined, we’ll focus on "HOW" you achieve your goals. As designers, we develop solutions and communication to make the achievement of your sustainability goals enjoyable and effective.
– Understand the current sustainability discourse
– Industry-relevant debate and problem solving
– Further team development and motivation
– Mitarbeiter:innen erkennen ihren Handlungsraum
2 days
up to 10 people from one team or department (adaptable)
starting from € 5 500 excl. VAT
Have you ever wondered how to work and live more sustainably? We never learned how to establish habits so that they come easily. In this 1-day training, we not only clarify what sustainable living and working actually mean but also explain how you can set behavior-changing measures yourself. Everyone benefits from this – and not just in terms of sustainability.
– Understanding sustainability in everyday life
– Clear understanding of implementation measures
– Understanding of the psychological aspects of habit change
– Entertaining team building
1 day
up to 20 people, as an interdisciplinary team-building activity
starting from € 2 500 excl. VAT
True to the motto "rubbish is a question of definition", in this workshop we will experiment with organic materials and engage in a haptic as well as visual examination with the aim of a shift in perspective and an aesthetic approach.
Mixing, kneading, pouring - everything is allowed and serves to actively engage with the medium. We are widening our view and want to understand organic residual material not only as waste, but as a resource whose potential we will explore together in this workshop.
– Strengthen hands-on mentality
– Understanding sustainable innovation and resource use
– Entertaining team building
– Stimulates creativity in your team
4 hours
up to 8 employees
€ 800 excl. VAT
More about this
Who is responsible for sustainability? From our perspective, each and every one of us is asked to think and act sustainably.
In workshops and trainings, we work with your team and/or management to define sustainability goals and appropriate measures to reach them, too. We then work out individual solutions to implement them in your company.
Our formats
What exactly is sustainability? And which common myths can we dispel? In a 1-hour quiz, we offer teams an entertaining break from their daily routine, making sustainability tangible and easy to understand. Our sustainability quiz is suitable for teams that want to initiate a dialogue and get the ball for more sustainable action rolling together.
– Entertaining team building
– General overview of the megatrend “sustainability”
– Kickoff for sustainable transformation
1 hour, online
all employees
€ 350 excl. VAT
Mit der Climate Business Challenge versteht jede:r in Ihrem Team die eigene Rolle in der Transformation und wie es endlich in die Umsetzung von konkreten Ideen geht. Im ersten Teil beschäftigen wir uns damit, wie business-as-usual zur Klimakrise geführt hat und welche Treiber es jetzt für einen Richtungswechsel braucht. Im zweiten Teil bekommen die Teilnehmer:innen ein Framework an die Hand, um in klar verständlichen Schritten eine eigene Klima- und Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie für ihr Unternehmen zu entwickeln. Und begeben sich so auf den Weg in die planet-positive, regenerative Wirtschaft von morgen.
– Playful team building format
– Concrete ideas that motivate and inspire
– Understanding of sustainability as a business case
3 hours, online
5 to 36 participants
€ 1 200 excl. VAT
In our seminar, we take a focused look at this question and show how you can turn the challenge into opportunities for your company. Together, we look at the most important trends and how they influence both corporate success and corporate communications. We prepare basic knowledge about sustainability in such a way that you save yourself long readings on the various topics and can immediately put what you have learned into practice in group exercises and interactive sessions. We explain terms, measures and models. Over the course of 5 weeks, we expand areas of impact, remove hurdles and provide approaches for constructive dialog with internal and external stakeholders.
- Insight into the current sustainability debate
- Basic sustainability knowledge, tailored to the needs of daily communication practice
- Comprehensive toolbox with frameworks and guidelines for future-proof sustainability communication
- Dos & Don'ts, tips & tricks and best practices that inspire your daily communications work
- New allies to share and spar with beyond the seminar
5 modules 4 hours each, online
Marketing or communication managers
€ 1 490 excl. VAT
The UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the ideal framework for implementing your sustainability strategy in a solution-oriented and local way. We create a compact overview of the different areas and relate the major challenges to your company and business activities. We make the 17 goals tangible and thus create connecting points for your team and concrete measures.
In interactive group exercises, we define the impact your company has within the SDG framework and where your biggest levers lie. You will identify positive and negative impacts your company has on the SDGs and leave the workshop with a deeper understanding of complex, global issues and appropriate, local solutions. You integrate the developed SDG mapping and the corresponding roadmap with short- and medium-term goals into your next sustainability report and show your stakeholders that you are part of the global SDG movement!
– Clarity about the potential of the UN SDGs for your company
- Identification, mapping, and prioritization of impact-relevant SDGs
– Erarbeitung konkreter Maßnahmen im Rahmen einer SDG-Roadmap
1 day
up to 10 people, ideally your sustainability team
starting from € 1 500 excl. VAT
Often you know how you could do something better - but you still don't do it. That's why in this workshop we will look at everyday problem situations and examine them from a psychological perspective. In doing so, we will apply participatory methods. In short: Instead of looking at the transformation only from the classical natural science or engineering and economic perspective, we will concentrate in this workshop on the behavioural level and try to find out why it is sometimes so difficult for us to behave sustainably. In addition, we will look for and find solutions together so that we can succeed better in the future.
In this workshop, we will provide you with concrete tools to optimise and sustainably establish these processes in your company's everyday life in the future.
– Your team deals with very concrete problems from their everyday lives
– Immersion in behavioural psychology
– Further team development and motivation
– Employees solve problems proactively and in a self-determined way
4 hours
up to 10 people, ideally department heads or management
starting from € 1 500 excl. VAT
After digitization, the debate on sustainability is now challenging companies once again. We explain current issues and act as a guide in the sustainability debate. By asking specific questions, we work with you to develop a mission statement and a strategy. In short: You’ll develop a powerful sustainability vision.
With our practical guidance, you’ll be equipped with a clear roadmap, which will motivate your team to execute, too. After implementing the first measures, you will look to the future with optimism, with the peace of mind that your company will continue to add value and be profitable, and thus attractive to younger generations in the long run.
– Understand the current sustainability discourse
– Know what the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals mean for you or your company
– Gain confidence in how sustainability benefits your financial viability
– Define clear values and purpose
1 day
up to 8 people, leadership and management
starting from € 3 500 excl. VAT
You might already have a sustainability strategy. We’ll develop a plan of action and train your team on how to implement all measures. At NEW STANDARD.S, we act as a bridge between where you are on your sustainability journey and lead you and your team to what you want to achieve. We bring your CSR report to life and motivate your team with individual approaches and solutions that are fully aligned with the needs of your team and those of your company.
Once the "WHAT" to be achieved has been determined, we’ll focus on "HOW" you achieve your goals. As designers, we develop solutions and communication to make the achievement of your sustainability goals enjoyable and effective.
– Understand the current sustainability discourse
– Industry-relevant debate and problem solving
– Further team development and motivation
– Mitarbeiter:innen erkennen ihren Handlungsraum
2 days
up to 10 people from one team or department (adaptable)
starting from € 5 500 excl. VAT
Have you ever wondered how to work and live more sustainably? We never learned how to establish habits so that they come easily. In this 1-day training, we not only clarify what sustainable living and working actually mean but also explain how you can set behavior-changing measures yourself. Everyone benefits from this – and not just in terms of sustainability.
– Understanding sustainability in everyday life
– Clear understanding of implementation measures
– Understanding of the psychological aspects of habit change
– Entertaining team building
1 day
up to 20 people, as an interdisciplinary team-building activity
starting from € 2 500 excl. VAT
True to the motto "rubbish is a question of definition", in this workshop we will experiment with organic materials and engage in a haptic as well as visual examination with the aim of a shift in perspective and an aesthetic approach.
Mixing, kneading, pouring - everything is allowed and serves to actively engage with the medium. We are widening our view and want to understand organic residual material not only as waste, but as a resource whose potential we will explore together in this workshop.
– Strengthen hands-on mentality
– Understanding sustainable innovation and resource use
– Entertaining team building
– Stimulates creativity in your team
4 hours
up to 8 employees
€ 800 excl. VAT
More about this
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Want to learn more about how we’re setting new standards in this world? Subscribe to our newsletter to get practical tips and fun insights into sustainable change.