Hof Leutenecker
since April 2021
The problem
Family businesses are highly value-focused. However, over generations, the definition of values has changed. The standard of what sustainability means today is different than 30 years ago. When leadership is transferred, it can lead to discrepancies – even in families where everyone is pursuing the same goal. That's why it's crucial to create a common vision and definition of the company's core values. At Hof Leutenecker, the topic of sustainability was discussed for a long time, which is why we were invited as consultants.
Our solution
In workshops for the whole team, we developed a common definition of sustainability and identified the most influential levers for a sustainable future for the business. We gave everyone in the company – from trainees to the parents of the new management team – the opportunity to openly share their opinion and contribute ideas. Since then, we have been supporting the team via regular check-ins to realize their plans and evaluate the results.
Our impact
Hof Leutenecker is not only planning to install their own supply of renewable energy, they’ve also elevated their standards for suppliers and general procurement. With their focus on sustainable weddings and green events, the Hof Leutenecker team implements a strong focus on plant-based catering and pays attention to the carbon impact of beverages, sanitary items, etc.
Due to the high scalability of the visibility of sustainable practices, we see Hof Leutenecker as a high-impact client.
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Want to learn more about how we’re setting new standards in this world? Subscribe to our newsletter to get practical tips and fun insights into sustainable change.